A few months ago I met Sonia. Sonia is an amazing woman with an amazing vision. She's worked on educational programmes with children at Sky and Transport for London, creating immersive and fun learning environments. Nowadays, she runs a company that she built with the aim of bringing creativity back into adults' lives. The London Craft Club hosts all kinds of creative workshops in collaboration with independent makers and designers. For example there is a bookbinding class taught by Amber; an espradrille shoe making workshop with teacher, Suzie Kemner and a leather jewellery lesson with tutor, Melodie Telliez.
All of the London Craft Club workshops are accessible to every type of learner, from those who have never done a craft workshop before to those that love crafting and do workshops and classes regularly.

Brush Lettering is different to calligraphy in that it focuses heavily on looking casual and a bit "scrawly" yet it's a beautiful way to get a message across in its own right!
I've recently started working with Sonia at The London Craft Club and will be teaching a brush lettering workshop at the end of August this year. If you'd like to come along and learn the skills to create your own brush lettering masterpiece, you can book tickets here. It will be a two hour workshop, where you'll learn the concepts and rules of brush lettering and how to use the brush to behave in a way that creates a gorgeously casual style of brush lettering. We'll be starting with the very basics of using the brush for mark making; moving onto to the brush lettering alphabet; learning how to join up letters to create words and how to compose your brush lettering piece for maximum visual impact.

If you want to see what else the London Craft Club has to offer, check out the what's on page, or why not have a browse through their experts? You can find my expert page here!