As an illustrator with a love of watercolours and modern calligraphy, I will be hosting two workshops at the Etsy Made Local 2016 Christmas market with the London Local Etsy Team. I'll also be at the Christmas market on the Saturday with a stall!

I first discovered watercolours after seeing my dad use them to paint landscapes as a child on family holidays and I've loved them ever since. When watercolours became a big trend in fashion, home decor and wedding stationery and wedding style recently, I felt really happy to see more people discovering the joys of the medium and the beautiful aesthetic they can create. I also realised that more people would like to have ideas about how to learn the basics of how to use them and what you can do with them, which is why I've included them in my new modern calligraphy and watercolours workshops. In fact, I've also realised the modern calligraphy and watercolours are a match made in heaven and so that's how it became my idea to combine it into one workshop. They work so well together on pretty wedding invites featuring illustration; wedding stationery; prints and cards!
This Save The Date piece of bespoke wedding stationery that I designed for a couple getting married earlier this year shows an example of how you can mix watercolours and modern calligraphy. The hand lettering of the modern calligraphy was executed in watercolours, as was the delicate botanical illustrations surrounding the modern calligraphy. If you'd like to find out more about Shoshy Cadoodle® wedding stationery, bespoke or ready designed, you can look at the wedding page of this website, or contact me through the wedding enquiry page. I'm always excited to hear about wedding plans, so tell me as much detail as possible about your upcoming wedding and about any ideas you have!

I can't wait to host the modern calligraphy and watercolours workshops at Etsy Made Local 2016, for the London Local Team. Unfortunately the tickets for the classes are now completely sold out for the London Local event this year, but you can subscribe to our mailing list on the contact page of the Shoshy Cadoodle® website, to stay up to date about more London modern calligraphy and watercolour classes.
Check out more information about the modern calligraphy and watercolours classes I'm running on this blog post by London Local. The blog post also features several other local designer-makers who will be hosting a class or workshop at the Etsy Made Local London Christmas market. There are some really exciting courses to choose from, including a paper art mistletoe workshop, a necklace making class and a Japanese indigo textile dying class! The market will have lots of London - based artisans selling and showcasing their work. It's a great chance to do your Christmas shopping and support local small creative businesses!
Here's a map I illustrated to help you find the London Local Etsy Christmas market 3rd-4th December, 2016:

- Shoshy
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