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Shoshana Bratton

What is The 100 Day Project on Instagram?

Hey there! Are we following each other on Instagram? Right now, I am participating in the 100 Day Project. You can find me there under the handle, @ShoshyCadoodle

How does the 100 Day Project work?​

  • You pick your own project or topic to work at for 100 days

  • Choose something creative that you love doing, e.g. drawing, cooking, photography, collage

  • Post a picture of your work every day for 100 days (until 12th July)

  • Using your chosen project/topic create a hashtag, following the format #100DaysOf_____

  • For example, I’m focusing on handlettering and my hashtag is #100DaysOfHandLettering

  • Need some inspiration? Search the hashtag #The100DayProject to see what everyone else is up to!

  • It’s an annual event, and this year started on 4th April 2017

  • Anyone can participate

Why not pick something that gives you a bit of scope? Sure you could do something really specific, if that's what gets you going... but I decided hand lettering is ideal for me because it gives me options. Some days I could do modern calligraphy and other days I might want to do traditional calligraphy. Hand lettering encompasses any kind of writing done by hand. So that means you have brush lettering, illuminated letters, writing with watercolours and brush pens, using pointed pens. I could experiment with inks, gouache, acrylics, or I could even arrange objects into the shapes of letters, as long as I do it by hand!

A gift wrapped up using my calligraphy - I've been incoporating the 100 Day Project into my everyday life to make it more sustainable! Image by Shoshy Cadoodle®

For me, it’s the perfect thing to get stuck into. Why?

  • It’s a super simple concept, but at the same time, it’s a real challenge, as you consciously need to push through 100 days of making and sharing.

  • I often get caught up in the everyday mundane tasks I need to do, which interferes with my time spent being creative. Responsibility and being creative is a balance I'm still battling to fine tune.

  • I overthink and I'll admit, I am a recovering perfectionist. I’ll regularly make some pieces of work and won’t feel they’re complete or ready to share. They sit alone for months, and I'm the only one who's ever This project has been forcing me to get leap over that hurdle, and keep on going, even if I’ve knocked over the hurdle in the process.

  • It’s a project that teaches acceptance. If you miss a day, you just keep truckin’. And if you’ve missed the start, you’re welcome to join in any time!

calligraphy illuminated letter

Black, gold and copper ink illuminated letter by Shoshy Cadoodle® part of the 100 Day Project

If you’d like to know more about how the project, you can read more here.

the 100 day project

Illustrated quote by Elle Luna.

The people responsible for the project are:

Elle Luna, an artist and author, and Lindsay Jean Thompson, a writer and co-founder of Women Catalysts.

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